31 January 2010

A great blog on food storage...

This blog has a General Store section, that tells you every week what to store, with the goal of having a 3 month supply at the end of a year.  Fits perfectly with our prepping... 


Tour of the LDS Cannery in Salt Lake


Very cool....

27 January 2010

Things I love about having moved to a small town #2

Small town coffee shops, and how people stare at the table with the town cop, the bylaw guy, and the fireman/wannabe cop all at one table...  And how they sometimes talk like you can't hear them.

Food Inventory Report

So, I got around to building shelves in the basement for our food stores.  I figured today, I should do an inventory of our meager food storage, and figure out what all we need to buy.

So, I downloaded a copy of Riverwalker's ( stealthsurvival@blogspot.com ) Food inventory report, and did an inventory.  On the left side of his spreadsheet, I did a summary of the LDS Food Storage Calculator results for my family...  On the right, I did other luxury and daily use foods.  It's a work in progress, but it's going to make things a bunch easier.

Here's what it looks like:


Any suggestions??  

24 January 2010

23 January 2010

Storing in moderation.

Read the CanadaPrepared.com forum post here:

Storing in moderation

My response:

I'm taking the easy route.  Every time we use something from the pantry, we mark on the grocery list to buy two.  The second goes into storage.  If we run out before we go to the store, we grab from the pantry, and buy 3 when we go to the store.  Once I feel we've reached whatever storage goal we're working on, (3 months, 6 months, 1 year) then we'll go back to buying 2, or possibly one.

If we see a good sale, like we did today at our tiny local grocery store, (1l apple juice for $0.89) we stock up.

Seems to be working so far, and it basically forces us to eat what we store, and to rotate stock.

19 January 2010

How I started Prepping... The Beginning....

I'm a child of the 70's and 80's.  As most people over the age of 25 know, this meant growing up under the shadow of the bomb.  Even in North-Central Alberta, the idea of nuclear war loomed large in the 70's and 80's.

As I grew up I became exposed to shooting.  My dad wasn't a gun nut, and wasn't a hunter, but we had a number of rifles and shotguns around the house.  He would take us boys shooting, and taught us the fundamentals of marksmanship and firearms safety.  These are things my dad either learned himself, or figured out on his own.  For my 12th Christmas, I received a CIL .22 that my dad had won years before in a curling bonspeil.  He put a little Tasco scope and a camo sling on it, and put it under the tree.  Of course, I was ecstatic.  I would spend hours walking around in the woods around the small hamlet that I grew up in, shooting anything that moved, and a lot of things that didn't.

When I turned 13, I joined the Cadet organization.  While in cadets, I learned even more about marksmanship, and started learning about camping, survival, and military life.  I attended an Aircrew Survival course, where I had the top marks in the wing, until I reached Knots and Lashings.  I passed with Remedial Assistance (I still despise knots.)  I also met many career soldiers, and got interested in joining the military myself.

During my teens, with my exposure to the military and reading everything that I could on the military, I became aware of the threat of global thermonuclear war.  Compounding that, I saw the movie Red Dawn.  These two influences started the fertile mind of a teenager running wild with the thoughts of war, invasion and occupation.  I began reading Guns and Ammo, Soldier of Fortune, American Survival Guide and other similar magazines.  My favorite book series just happened to the The Survivalist by Jerry Ahern.

I began stockpiling things my young mind thought would help me to survive... Of course, my main survival plan was to "play Batman in the Boonies."

In my last year of high school, I applied to join the Canadian Forces.  However, in 1991, the Combat Arms of the CF had a hiring freeze.  My first choices were Infantry and Military Police.  Early on in the application process, I was told that there was no chance of joining the Infantry at that time, but I could be an MP.  All I had to do was spend three years as a Refrigeration Technician, and then remuster to the MP trade.  Ummm....  NO.  I also applied to Grant MacEwan College in Edmonton to take their Police Studies program.  After an absolutely ridiculous application interview, I was told I was not qualified to take the course, being that my writing style was too immature.  (Later I was hired to be the MacEwan College security supervisor, and they PAID me to attend the Police studies courses....  LOL)

So, I went away to college and got a diploma as an electronics technician.  While in college, I was constantly broke, and a meal away from having an empty cupboard...  So the prepping centre of my brain seemed to have grown dormant...  But I'll tell it's reanimation in another post.

Things I love about having moved to a small town #1

The library...  It's just down the street, small and cozy, they are a part of a regional website that can order books from other locations, and have free e-book downloads.


So, I've had a blog for about 6 years.  Never made one post.  But now that I've started prepping seriously, I've decided to document my preps, and along the way, share some of the information that I've gleaned along the way.

So you're thinking to yourself, "Yeah, just what we need.  ANOTHER preparedness blog."  Guess what?  I don't care.  LOL.  This blog is partially for me, and a little for others who can get what they want out of it.